Sunday, March 21, 2010

On a Road Trip to San Fran

Hello there,
even though it is only spring, I am already longing for summer. I want 80 degree weather and sunshine. I want to go on a road trip to San Francisco. Just me, my car, and a couple of close friends. Traveling with no deadline, only a final destination that someday we would reach. Where we went along the way wouldn't matter. And on that trip, if it were a perfect world, I would be equipped with all of these beautiful clothes:

Road trip to...

vest, shoes, swim suit- urban outfitters; shorts- free people; bag- Market Publique; earrings- Modcloth; ensemble made on kaboodle

I am aware that the Canon Rebel Xs is not
an article of clothing. But if I had an unlimited amount of money, that's where it would go.


P.s. On this road trip I would only listen to great music, and this album would be played on high frequency : Big Echo


  1. wanna go to that roadtrip as well!! would love to visit san franciscoooo! must be amazing place!
    that free people shorts are so beautiful :)

  2. have fun! I live right here in the Bay Area!! So amazing

  3. Thanks! I hope someday this road-trip can become a reality... :)

  4. would love to visit san franciscoooo! must be amazing place!
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