Monday, November 30, 2009

Young in Body, Just Not in Soul

A confession: I usually feel like I have "nothing to wear." I put that in quotations marks because, as some may know, there is a very fine distinction between having literally having no clothes to physically put on your (very sexy) body and scrounging around in your closet for half an hour and coming up with absolutely, positively, "nothing to wear." According to The Telegraph, women can spend almost an entire year their whole lives looking for an outfit in their own wardrobes! Eeeek!

I've definitely spent a good amount of time pondering over the apparel in my own closet and drawing a blank, which is why I've got places and people (like you dear readers!) to inspire me. I'm still in a holiday mood (coming back to school was absolutely brutal), so bear with me as I cause your servers to cry with picture overload:

For some reason, I'm always drawn to the menswear styles, even more so when it's a female wearing them. Is it any wonder I'm addicted to the Sartorialist?? :D

- The Tubsters

Friday, November 27, 2009

You Spin Me Right Round

Hello There Readers,
Due to the holiday weekend I too will most likely be posting less over the next couple of days.

However I have been thinking of things I would like to put on my Christmas list- now that thanksgiving has passed it is now the holiday season. One thing I am certain will go on my list is a circle scarf. The fad has grown incredibly in the last couple months, appearing everywhere. As a collector and purveyor of scarves I have been pining for one for months. The ones below are from modcloth and urban outfitters.

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Time to Play

Well hey there. Just a heads up that posting (from me anyway, can't speak for Lloyd) will be very very light over the holiday week. I'm stuck in lovely Virginia for the day, relaxing, cooking, and escaping every once in a while to practice my fiddle. Needless to say, not too much fashion stuff going on (I'm still in my pajamas...), but I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I'll leave you with this then:

Definitely one of my favorite bands - I've been listening to then since I was around 11. Hope you have a bucket of fun today :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

Hello there readers,
I'm sorry I haven't done an outfit post in a little while, but I finally have another one!!

As you can tell, it was pretty rainy when I took these photos (hence the umbrella and poor picture quality). However I paid no heed to the weather when getting dressed that morning. Despite the fact that my shoes weren't exactly appropriate for the soggy climate, I was very happy with my outfit. I don't know if you can tell from these photos, but the pink bow in my hair actually matched my shoes. Matched!!! I don't often wear pink, but I got these shoes to match a dress I will be wearing in the next upcoming days (hopefully I will be able to post that outfit). However, I can tell these shoes will become a quick favorite, as soon as I break them in. Currently they are a little too stiff in the most uncomfortable way.

And yes, my hair is straightened. It doesn't happen too often because I have to make sure I do it exactly right or I end up with a Brillo-pad on my head. Although it does look nice if I get it right. Oh well.

Outfit Details: shoes- urban outfitters, jeans and shirt- free people, blazer- vintage, bow- ?

Peace Out,

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Any Way You Like It

Hey there,
I just happened upon Burberry's Art of the Trench: a beautiful site with photos taken by the sartioralist of the many ways a trench coat can be styled. I have never seen so many different looks with one item of clothing. It is truly inspirational. Enjoy.

peace out,

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Told You So

(While coming out of the cafeteria...)

Lloyd: I just saw a pair of harem pants.

Me: What?! Where?! SHOW ME NOW.

(Lloyd takes my hand, dragging me along in our epic search for the fabled hammer harem pants)

Me: ...

Lloyd: ...

Me: They are leather.

Lloyd: Yeah...

Me: And she's wearing moccasins.

Lloyd: I think those just sort of killed it.

Me: (sharp intake of breath)

And that is what happened three days ago. I may be scarred for life.

- The Tubsters

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Classic Never Goes Out of Style

Hello readers,

This was my very basic outfit from the other day. However I have an extreme emotional attachment to the shoes I was wearing. These ratty black sneakers were my first pair of converse, that I got about four or five years ago. (I now have multiple pairs, in varying colors.) As you can see, I wore these shoes until they ripped and tore until they threatened to fall off of my feet. When I first got them they were black and squeaky clean. First I decided to exchange one of the purple laces for a sparkly white one. I then decided to draw a spiral and a music note on the rubber toes. Then I added various phrases like "PEACE" along the sides. Then one day when my friend and I were painting the walls of a school for charity, we got in a paint fight, and I ended up splatter painting the poor things.

Later that year I went to Rome with my family and they had these "cool things" sold in tiny little vending machines for one Euro each. Each one is some little critter disguised in a rubber costume. I found a chipmunk in an eggplant, a pooh bear in a monkey, and another pooh bear pretending to be piglet, among others. I attached these to my shoes as a memento of the trip. These shoes represent all the fantastic times I have had in them, and every bit of added vandalism just makes me love them more. Because they are so decrepit I only wear them on special occasions, but every time I do, I can't help but smile.

Outfit Details: shirt- forever 21, vest- urban outfitters, pants- anthropologie

Peace out,

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Some Say I'm Bookish

Hello there,

I know I promised no more indoor pictures, but the daylight escaped from me once again. However, I feel that sometimes there is nothing more beautiful than a fully stocked bookshelf (Exhibit A below). I may need to get a new bookshelf soon- the ones I have are completely full, and there are stacks of more books lining the floors, concealed in various corners of my bedroom. However, I feel that buying a new bookshelf qualifies more as an accomplishment than a chore, so I suppose I won't complain.

And I am wearing this dress again, but I tried to style it in a very different way. I went with a Shakespeare-inspired-puffy-sleeve cardigan and brown boots. I wore black socks that peeked up a bit over the tops of the boots, although you can't really see it here.

And just as a side note- I don't know why some people complain that dresses are restrictive and uncomfortable. This one at least is very comfortable, perhaps because the skirt is a little longer than some dresses so I had a full range of movement.

Outfit Details: boots- unkown, stockings- H&M, belt and dress- Urban Outfitters, cardigan- anthropologie

As a side note- We now have six followers! Thanks so much to everyone who reads this blog. Please let us know what you like (or don't like), and keep reading!

Peace out,


Dammit, J. Crew, why must you be so expensive?!?! I cannot afford you nor your lovely, fully lined blazers with the perfect gold buttons with tiny anchors on them (shakes fist malevolently).

In case you couldn't tell yet, I delight in dressing like a little boy in prep school. Don't make fun.

- The Tubsters

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Lonely Hearts

oHello again,

The feel of this outfit was very military-meets-hippie. Sort of a Sgt. Pepper sort of feel (Another Beatles reference, I apologize). But I really like the way the jacket (military) contrasts with the headband (hippie), creating a look that doesn't lean too far one way or another. I love being able to mix two entirely different vibes into one outfit: grunge-bohemian or business-punk. I feel the best looks are often a combination of multiple things that together create something unique, which ultimately says a lot more about the individual.

Outfit Details: jeans- American Outfitters, shirt- borrowed, jacket- Anthropologie, headband- free people, necklace- made by me

Peace out,